I saw this on Kaite's blog, so thought that I would do it to kill some time before 5
Where is your cell phone? right next to me
Your significant other? He is in California taking a class.
Your hair? BLAH I would like to shave it off for the summer, I told my husband I wouldn't do that again though.
Your mother? who ever knows
Your father? He is in one of the HOT states
Your favorite thing? my scrapbook room
Your dream last night? not sure, but the other night I dreamt that I got a ticket for walking down the street with to beers...LOL
Your favorite drink? Cocoa Krispie Breve from crossroads or water
Your dream/goal? to have lots of money for my family.
The room you’re in? office
Your ex? uh...is in VA
Your fear? Spiders One tried to get me the other night. It did this leap from the ceiling to my bed, I decided after freaking out, that it was time for the fogger stuff
Where do you want to be in 6 years? I don't really know, here I guess
Where were you last night? Home with the kids.
What you’re not? enjoying a coffee beverage...that would be really good....mmmm
Muffins? I love muffins
One of your wish list items? ...quickutz I love them all,
Where you grew up? Circle, MT and malta, MT
The last thing you did? Went to the post office
What are you wearing? t-shirt and jeans
Your TV? yeah it is on all the time. I have been trying to cut back, but all my shows came back
Your pets? Hannah is our dog and Miss Kitty and Slick our obiviously our cats
Your computer? a dell
Your life? is crazy sometimes, but sometimes pretty boring
Your mood? ready to get off work
Missing someone? yeah Mike
Your car? is the Wario Kart
Something you’re not wearing? coat
Favorite store? Hobby Lobby My new fave
Your summer? will be spent at the lake and at work.
Like someone? yes
Your favorite color? purple
When is the last time you laughed? we had a good laugh making fun of the donut Nazi
Last time you cried? Not sure
Who will repost this? I don't know, but if you do, comment and I'll read it! G'Night! Yeah what she said
The rain right now...is not here