This page was of Mike and his army buddies in Washington playing some UNO. I did this page for a challenge that was to use numbers in your page. So it was perfect. The kids had gotten some little UNO cards awhile back, and since they wouldn't miss a few (esp since I find them all over the house) I decided to use them on my page.
At this resturant, they had people going around taking pictures so we all had to have it. This was up in the Stratosphere where the dining room actually moves 360 degrees in an hour. You don't even notice it move while you eat. I remember the burgers were like $20 on the menu. I don't remember what I got now.
Here are some layouts I did from the first time I was in Vegas in 98'. We stayed at the Stratospere. I got the room key, flyers and all sorts of goodies on my pages. While we were there, we went to the clothing Market for Bobbi and Company. I got business cards from many places, so I included them all. My pics all pretty much came out blurry, but I still like them and bring back memories, so I felt like I had to include them. Also Bobbi and me went on the roller coaster at New York, New York. I used the frame the put our picture in to add to my page. Because after all, no one has seen them stuck in my scrapbook room under piles of books and paper.
Mike went to a Baseball game when he was in Washington. It was the Baltimore Orioles vs. Seattle Mariners. I made him take his camera and keep me the ticket.
Sheepin' Around I did using My Mind's Eye kit I got from BYOM. The title is from a lss tag swap. It did say Horsin' but a couple letters got lost, so I made my own letters.